
The BioGreen™ system is fully automatic with no need for an on-site operator and has a 24/7 remote quality control system. Annual services are conducted on the systems.
The BioGreen™ system uses no chemicals in the purification process and generates much less water loss compared to other conventional systems.
No harmful byproducts are generated.
The BioGreen™ system only consumes about 1% energy compared to other common conventional solutions purifying the equivalent amount of water.
Each BioGreen™ system can purify 2,500 m³ water every 24h and several systems can be installed in one location serving up to 500,000 people
The BioGreen™ system has been developed and engineered in Switzerland and can be delivered within 3-6 months from order date with a 30 years guarantee.
The development of the BioGreen™ system
More than 40 years R&D

The foundation of UWI's award winning technology derives from research done by world leading scientists at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm,
The BioGreen™ system purifies water from harmful metals, bacteria, viruses and microbes, operating on a global industrial scale, saving lives around the world.
The technology purifying water in an environmentally friendly way became part of UWI's BioEcoTech®, purifying water with its patented Oxynator®.
UWI's team of world leading scientists in Switzerland and Sweden improved the system and a unique biological water-purification solution could now be equipped in a single shipping container- BioGreen™.
A quantum leap in WATER TECHNOLOGY
BioGreen™ 2500
The BioGreen™ is produced in cooperation with leading German and Swiss manufacturers with a 30 years performance and production guarantee.
Ready to operate within hours from arriving on site, as a "plug-and-play", even in the most remote locations.
The BioGreen™ system has the capacity to purify up to 2,500 m³ well water every 24h, all year around.
No chemicals are used in the purification process and the energy consumption is only 1% compared to some other conventional water purification technologies.

Common contaminants RAW WATER
removed by BioGreen™

Bacteria / Viruses
Untreated water can contain high amounts of Iron (Fe), Manganese (Mn), Arsenic (As) among other metals and chemical elements. Waterborne arsenic is a major cause of skin, lung and bladder cancer.
Chlorine added to your water supply can pose serious threats to your cardio-vascular health and increases the risk of respiratory problems,
such as asthma.
Drinking water containing viruses and bacteria can cause diseases for example Cholera, SARS, Salmonella and E. Coli that will cause severe diarrhea, dehydration, fatigue, fever and can be fatal.
Untreated source-water can contain Microbes that can cause diseases like Amoebiasis. If symptoms occur, they may include cramping, diarrhoea, fever and death.
Metals / Chemical Elements